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"we americans -- lerafulcy nurture a studied attitude of detached indifference to the suffering of others......even if WE are the cause of it". for on those times -- americans will see THEIR OWN CHILDREN SUFFER the consequences of what their parents had ALLOWED. and THAT is NOT a very MORAL thing nor make your own succeeding generations PAY for YOUR wins. even those that are called "terrorists" and barbarians by the USA or the west don't do THAT, inspite of their great poverties. I beg you Craighickman...this is a matter of the GREATEST importance to america. far, far more than their "national security". ":THOSE THAT GIVE UP LIBERTIES FOR THE SAKE OF SECURITY, NO MATTER HOW TEMPORARILY, DO NOT DESERVE SECURITY OR LIBERTY".....BENJAMIN FRANKLIN"....WE SHALL SURELY BANKRUPT OURSELVES IN OUR QUEST FOR ABSOLUTE SECURITY.." PRESIDENT DWIGHT EISENHOWERand self-styled "christian america" should perhaps remind itself: its "hero" jesus christ" was TORTURED by the AMERICAN EMPIRE of 2000 years ag0 -- ROME -- in rome's own version of "afghanistan, pakistan, middle east"...its own version of "farflung provinces" as the USA's OWN 700 military installations worldwide -- declaring christ as a THREAT to security!OBAMA is either leading a nation either towards a complete acceptance of the most EVIL of things humans have ever devised -- the conquest of others and warmaking as the tool -- and the justification OF IT through torture of those which the Empire building ITSELF has created as enemies! "we americans largely do not realize that we are Living our Lifestyles -- really, ONLY because it is part of a VERY , VERY vicious system of exploitation that Dehumanizes and Enslaves other peoples". John Perkins - Former CIA "economic hitman" -- "CONFESSIONS OF AN ECONOMIC HITMAN". just as strongly as I said in 2004 -- that Barack Obama "is presidential material" in the SENSE that he represents what is the BEST of america and a human being -- just as SURELY as I had said that in Bogledance's message board....and just as SURELY as I had predicted years, many years, ago that the Wall Street shenanigans would come tumbling down like the pack of cards they REALLY were all along , I AM JUST AS SURELY saying right now, Craighickman: President Barack Obama WILL destroy himself if he stays "the course" as the USA is going on . there is no other way -- HISTORY already said it many times before...and AMERICA is NO exception - no matter what americans think of themselves as "exceptional". on the contrary - thinking THAT way - only PROVES that americans are NOT THAT exceptional after all........and it is LONG PAST the time americans ought to LEARN what history has shown. PRESIDENT OBAMA NEEDS the support from his fellow americans as HIS REAL SHIELD against the forces of EVIL surrounding him towards what ETHICAL and MORAL and HUMANE americans really ought to know in their hearts -- which goes BEYOND "being american". for him to become the TRUE great president that he can be -- he needs every support and reminder and INSISTENCE from people like Craighickman. and to remind him of HOW america was born out of TORTURING and ENSLAVING and MURDERING other peoples....while claiming righteousnessand HE is a representation of the golden chance to the PARTIAL CLEANSING of that FOUL smell of empire that America has become. he badly needs people like you and your friends Craighickman, to remind him what true americans really ARE and should be...people who should ALWAYS be IN PENANCE for the sins of what they had done to others in order to amass their own fortune as the "global empire" until the day that the USA BEHAVES LIKE the civilized nation among nations -- and rightly as the "first" among nations IF it reaches that place. BUT -- NOT before it DOES! for it has NOT! the BLOWBACKS, whether in economics, political systems , terrorism, "piracy", etc....are merely the CONSEQUENCES of the USA's OWN empire building for the last 2 centuries. obama needs to not just have understood this -- but do what is GOOD for america -- and that is to EXORCISE itself of its own demons that are its real "enemies".if not -- americans will continue to suffer the consequences of their own nation's FOLLIES. but even as important: as the writer and traveler who reports on the effects of "american imperium" elsewhere the most americans do not even think about except when blowbacks arrive at their own shores - Pepe Escobar writing for Asiatimesonline , says: "UNLESS AMERICA ACCEPS FULL RESPONSIBILITY for TORTURE and ITS ILLEGAL WARS...there can be NO catharsis IN AMERICA".......there will only be continued "CANCEROUS ROT emanating from DEEP in the Center of Empire", as another article says ANOTHER former CIA operative, John Nichols, that spreads and infects EVERY american household, no matter what they wish to think otherwise. that is guaranteed by History.,

  --Amber (Not signed in).....Sun Mar 18 09:34:55 +0000 2012

Bisyor khub khondani bud. Siposi fovoran baroi andeshahoi purmazmuni Vatandustonaaton, akoi Kamol. Umedvoram, ki agar ijoza dihed, ba'ze az fikrhoi shumoro ba'dtar dar tornigoram (blog) ba Tojiki bargardonam va ba bahsi hamagon guzoram. Zimnan, bo chopi kitobi navaton tabrik meguyam. Somonai internetiaton ham boisi dastgirist. Khudo nigahbonaton! Botur Kosimi

  --Damares (Not signed in).....Sun Mar 18 14:52:36 +0000 2012

3qz0gx holsrqtculfo

  --josmiclbtt (Not signed in).....Mon Mar 19 04:12:08 +0000 2012

zPjMKn qafyghjdbkoj

  --kxoaip (Not signed in).....Mon Mar 19 05:47:46 +0000 2012